Designed as a presentation vehicle, the Field Guide is constructed from sturdy materials that enable it to withstand repeated handling by farmers whose hands might still be dirty from the fields.
Conservis Field Guide Cover

Conservis Corporation provides farm management software to help growers see their operation from the dirt up. The selling process is highly personal and detail-oriented, and to help introduce the company to prospective customers, Conservis turned to Supervox for a family of sales collateral, led by a marquee piece we called the Field Guide.
Designed as a presentation vehicle, the Field Guide is constructed from sturdy materials that enable it to withstand repeated handling by farmers whose hands might still be dirty from the fields.
To enhance its utility in presentations, the Field Guide is wire bound so that each page lays
perfectly flat. Messaging is emphatic and to-the-point.
The piece incorporates dramatic full-page photography on the reverse side of tabbed section
Interspersed throughout the Field Guide are short sheets devoted to farmer testimonials about Conservis software.
Complex processes are illustrated with customized icons in simple flow diagrams.